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Sacrament of Baptism

For a baptism at either Christ Our Holy Redeemer, East Oakleigh or Sacred Heart, Oakleigh,

you may download the form here or

you may pick up a form from the Parish office

and return to the Parish Office once completed.


The reception of the Sacrament of Baptism is linked with the faith commitment of the recipient and the family – otherwise it has very little, if any, significance.


Families should be attending Mass regularly.


We ask that families attend at least 3 Masses at the Church where Baptism will be held.


If you belong to another Parish, we need a Permission Letter from your local Parish together with your completed form. 

You can check if you are in the Oakleigh Parish zone here.

We are committed to the safety, well-being and dignity of all children and vulnerable people in Oakleigh churches of Christ Our Holy Redeemer, East Oakleigh and Sacred Heart, Oakleigh.

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